Dutch newspaper article about the exhibition in ‘Galerie Nicolas Amsterdam’ 15 december 1972 Dutch newspaper article about the exhibition in ‘Galerie Nicolas Amsterdam’ 1 december 1972 Dutch newspaper article about the exhibition in ‘Galerie Nicolas Amsterdam’ december 1972 Danish newspaper article about the exhibition in ‘Galerie Moderne Silkeborg’ mai 1971 Danish newspaper article about the […]

Reflex 1 1948 Reflex 2 1949 Museum journaal januari/februari 1962 serie 7 no 7/8 Cobra 1948/1951 Rotterdam, Boymans Van Beuningen, 1966 Catalog of Galerie Moderne, Silkeborg 1971 Catalog of galerie Nicolas, 1972 (click on the image to download this special handcolored catalog as pdf.) Kijk op schilders Portretten van 50 Nederlandse schilders. Ed Wingen en […]